Thursday, September 11, 2008


Because'at crossroad of empires'always Romania has been considered as 'une ile
de latinite dans une mer slave'and P-I-R-A-T-E-D both from inside and outside,with devastating effects,especially in recent history.How to react?By our available specific means:SPIRIT.Since early ages(Altamira,Plato,primary christians,
middle Age,Heidegger,bin Laden)cave pattern has been bearing various meanings.
What's going to be next?


Area of about 1 ha (may be extended up to ten times contains:two U shaped caves
(2,8x2,2)m profile,3 waterfalls when it's raining,a rockwall(25x 5)mto be painted
in grafitti,3 draining channels ideal for pools,2 flat plateaux for camping.
waiting for your comments,suggestions or proposals may be posted next...

Guests' Book 2008